Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Revised Exploration
In my secondary research I decided to look into why humans share stories in the first place. I believe that this will give me a better idea into the goal of a storyteller, and what they are trying to prove or evoke. I was able o find an article written by Jonah Berger, in a journal from the Association for Psychological Science. Berger states that “the sharing of stories or information may be driven in part by arousal. When people are physiologically aroused, whether due to emotional stimuli or otherwise, the autonomic nervous is activated, which then boosts social transmission. Simply put, evoking certain emotions can help increase the chance a message is shared” (Berger 1). Related to the novel The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien, we can see that he shares stories because hey are important to him. These stories are a way to vent his emotions and feelings. Berger also goes on to state that “feeling fearful, angry, or amused drives people to share news and information” (Berger 1). These feeling are probably very relevant in O’Brien’s memories of Vietnam. Possibly another reason he shares his stories, and sometimes very detailed.
As this semester progressed we continued to see the human story unfold in many different lights. The most interesting thing I saw was how all of the stories are related, and how they all stem off of one idea. Identity. Identity is the key to every human story. How could we understand people like Tim O'Brien if we did not first understand who he was. For example Warren Buffet's identity is a hard working philanthropist, while Captain Americas is a symbol of the American culture. Every feeling and sensory detail is used to create this. Just as O'Brien used style and form to create his world, artist used color and symbolism to create the world of Captain America. This all again helps sustain that that message will be passed on to the reader.
Revised Exploration 12
Cassandra Zahran
Explortation 12
Our Moral Footprint
Our moral responsibility while
living on this earth is to take proper precautions’ before it is too late. “The
effects of a possible climate change are hard to estimate (Havel).” I agree with Havel. Slight
changes are inevitable, with the masses of people living on this planet. There
are only so many restrictions that can be placed without violating civil
freedom and rights. As intelligent
as our scientists and geologists are, and as technology continues to advance,
science is on our side. By keeping up with the status of our climate change, we
can help balance the negative effects we have on the environment.
Something that I am going to
in-state in my life, starting next month is biking. Not only am I going to be
participating in something that is healthy and cost-efficient, I’m going to be
joining a community that is passionate about staying green and working to
eliminate unnecessary CO2 emissions. Bringing this idea to younger
students as well as older adults, this could be a huge change in ones life. Think about how much gas you spend every
few weeks. That would magically start to add up and appear in your bank account
Multiple that by 2 years…. You’ve
saved at least two thousand dollars.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
To my Friend
Until we meet again
If I could see you again one moment
I would like to talk to you about them days we had together.
The great and wonderful times we had together
I will carry them and remember them for the rest of my life.
I remember it like it was yesterday, when I received a message
A friend that says your friend just got shot and killed. I guess I
never knew how
It felt to lose a friend like you until the day it happened.
I remember them days when we used to play basketball in the
Front yard all day. People always said all we do is just play
basketball but nothing else.
They always talked about how we got the size and height to make to
the NBA.
I guess I never became a
man until I saw your face in the coffin.
It seemed like somebody
just took all I had. You were everything to me and hopefully one day we will
meet in heaven. I guess you were right when you used to say “be careful what
you do because you never know what is going to happen tomorrow” and I cannot wait
until we meet again.
revised exploration 1
In memory of my Grandma Carolyn
Grandma, although I can’t see you,
I know that you’re still here;
Watching down and smiling over me;
Just like you said you’d do.
You were a truly
special woman;
A woman of extreme strength, and love;
Remembered for your laughter;
Your cooking and your special hugs.
Your suffering became so unbearable
to see;
Even though you were as stubborn as a mule;
Your disease
took everything that you had;
and watching you in pain, was so incredibly cruel.
and watching you in pain, was so incredibly cruel.
left this world with dignity and grace;
forever in my heart;
forever in my heart;
heaven, your final resting place;
lasting memories as you depart.
miss you grandma, your suffering is done;
Gone but not forgotten;
Gone but not forgotten;
I see you again grandma, go play, go walk;
most importantly have fun!
mahmood exploration 11
Exploration eleven
War is not an option for any one
and no one has the right of killing another. Leaders always make a good excuse
to convince their nations and people for their own political interests. On the
Afghanistan war, my position is clear just like any other wars I am always
against war. One reason that I do not support war is that war doesn’t solve
problems it creates the problem. I believe in a democracy where every government
should rule their nation in a way that all can participate and each and every
one is granted their rights.
The more we learn to solve our
problems by peace is the more this world would become a better place where all
can share the fruits of brotherhood and if we try the opposite it would be the
more we lose our commonsense. I think if get rid off one enemy you just created
more enemies and this doesn’t have an end. Another reason is that wars are not
won by body counts. In my own experience I have seen a lot from the Somali civil
war which lasted over two decades and I have lost a lot of family and friends
during that time. I speak against war because I have seen it and I know what
war does to people
Revised Exploration 8
September 11, 2001 will live in Americans' memory for the rest of our lives because, it was one of the most horrific days in our history. It is iconic because many innocent people lost their lives and made the U.S. focus more closely on the middle east. No one thought that an attack of this magnitude could have ever taken place on U.S. soil involving U.S. citizens. Looking back through first person accounts of what happened lots people couldn't believe what they were hearing, that a small plane flew into the world trade center. The influence of this day are widspread; it made us think differently about people just beacuse they come from a different region, it changed the way people thought about war and even the way people thought out government.
Coach O poem revisied
Mitchell Marotti
English1110.03 Tuesdays and Thursdays
Mr. Lohre
15 January 2013
O is one of the best
Wolves’ football team put him to the test
overtime win at Oak Hall
one that I will never forget
man so dedicated and competitive on the field
it is hard for him to yield
coaches because he loves the game
him it would not have been the same
pushing us to do our best
Wolves just had to do the rest
and practicing everyday
O always had to have his way
had us play every play
it was your last if you can
nobody walks except
O and the postman
playing for coach O had to end
would do it all over again
best part was when we won
this made it very fun
thing I remember about coach o
carried about the kids
the people in the school
he especially cared for his players
now he took a new job at a new school
Saturday, April 20, 2013
revised exploration 2- Emily
The Wise Friend
Wisdom is a
You better
believe it.
Only those named
Are lucky to see
With her wise
calming words,
She will whisk
you away.
Her crystal blue
eyes light up about the day,
She will help
others see life in a whole new way.
Her blonde hair
was just like Rapunzel’s,
It flowed in the
wind but always tied up like a pretzel.
She sings a
sweet melody in Carnegie Hall,
Along with the
birds who sing along.
A giving heart so big,
Even a kingdom wouldn’t fill it.
Listen to your heart,
For it knows best.
Guidance beyond your years,
Only if you could see it.
Put yourself first,
You’re personality is stellar.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Revised exploration five
Said Diriye
Mike Lohre
Exploration (Five)
“In the morning, after
gassing up, I headed straight west along the Rainy River, which separates
Minnesota from Canada, and which for me separated one life from another”. This quote has various meanings. It shows how
one unsatisfying decision for congress can destroy a youngsters’ life. I choose it is because you could see how
difficult is when you country calls you for war that you are not satisfied with
or your rarely know anything about politics. Tim O’Brian meant in this quote that
he loved his country from the bottom of his heart but he did not want to
anticipate in the war.
The reason why we study war stories is because war is
human history. War is the way we earn respect from one another and with respect
there are many benefits that come with it like being looked up as role model.
Or simply just having the key to every gate by which I mean weak countries fall
under you command. If you look deep inside ancient Roman’s or Egyptian’s
history war was not an option but rather it was obligatory. From one that is an
idealist like Plato war might seem bizarre but to be sincere to our thoughts no
matter what we do war is going to be there.
Revised Exploration
Zachary, A Dear Friend
To Me
By Anthony Fernandez
Zechariah, Zaka Zulu, or just Zack Mirakimi
It does not matter what he is called to me.
From his brown hair to his big smile
To miss his telltale signs would be infantile.
Since the 6th grade, I have known him so
From the very start, he was a friend, never a foe.
He has seen my house and I his
In either place, with computers he is a wiz.
A super computer you could find
If you simply look deep inside his mind.
With technology, he can find any solution
Whether it is for work or elocution.
In New Orleans together we went
With our church youth our purpose God sent.
From the time we ate to the time we slept
Throughout it all, together we were kept.
His family is never nasty
Except for his sister, Casey.
Though younger than him and half his size
A perfect day she can capsize.
Intelligent and funny would be the words
To describe this person with many cords.
He could give you an answer to any question
Then put a funny twist to make it perfection.
If I could talk with him today
Oh, the thing that I would say.
Zack, you are a precious thing of mine.
While you are around, everything seems to shine.
As the saying goes, it is a trend
I now can say this is the end.
Revised Exploration 10- Brandon Brown
One article that I found was very interesting to me was called, "So You're Extinct? Scientists Have Gleam in Eye" (
One reason this article caught my eye was because I am very
interested in animals. My major is Zoology right now, and I am looking forward to a career where I can go out in the field and study animals. Heck, I love animals so much that throughout my life I have asked for pet toucans, flying
squirrels, prairie dogs and penguins from my parents, although they never got me any of those (I had to settle for turtles).
This article really got to me because I think it would be fascinating
to bring back animals that have been extinct for long periods of time.
The article mentions bringing back animals such as arctic elephants,
like a woolly mammoth, which in return, would create permafrost in the arctic that
could hold up to three times as much carbon as all the rain forests
combined. Of course woolly mammoths are not the only animals that could be brought back to help the environment, but where will be many others as well. On the other hand, there are some arguments about the ethics and
regulations of this procedure, personally I think recreating extinct
species would be great, and very interesting, and I think that if we regulate this process and regulate it smartly,and not turn Earth into a real-life Jurassic Park, then we can help create a more efficient world.
Other interesting articles that I found were, North Korea Threatens U.S. Military Bases in the Pacific,
which wrote about the escalating tensions between the United States and
North Korea, including a one hour air-raid drill that occurred this
morning. Another article was New Reasons to Change Light Bulbs,
which talk about how LED lights last 25 times longer than standard CFL
lights, even though they are more expensive, and how LED are more
efficient as they utilize between 600%-1200% more electricity, which is
usually just wasted as heat in standard lights. The article goes on to
talk about more advantages to purchasing an LED light bulb over any
![]() |
The woolly mammoth is one animal that scientists are hoping to bring back to life. |
Revised exploration 9
The first thing that came to my mind when i watch Fresh was disturbance.The way they treated those animals honestly made it hard for me to eat my dinner that night. It makes me think that how us as the human race are messed up, how can we be so cruel to those animals. We are already going to kill them so we can have our chicken dinner so why not give them respect them while they are on this earth. We are showing the the earth is a terrifying place when its really a beautiful place. One guy that stood out to me was the sustainable farmer. I have a lot of respect for him because he respects the animals he stated "respect the design of nature" and he is absolutely right and every farmer should treat there animals like that. Even there crops.. I also disagreed with that fact that they where giving the animals stuff to help them grow, when in the end whatever they give to the animals ends up in our body's. Fresh was an eye opener and i think every American should watch it so they can realize what we are really doing to this world and mother nature, and we should put an end to it. I'm not saying to stop killing the animals because i love meat but stop being so cruel and feeding them antibiotics. Which brings me to my question i have, they say "the only way you can grow vast amounts of the exact same species in close comportment is by antibiotics". What antibiotics exactly are they feeding them? What are they putting into those animals that eventually get put into us? How are we so sure that its safe for not only us but the animals as well. I think they should just let the cow or the pig grow up naturally.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Extra-Credit Opportunity: MLK's "Beyond Vietnam" speech and MMM blog
Extra-Credit Opportunity: Viewing,
Reading actively, and Responding
This is a link for Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech “Beyond
This is a link for the transcript to that speech, so you can
follow along and read actively as you do so.
This are links to a blog about money and consumerism.
The man behind the blog has some very alternative and
provocative and useful views on American culture and his attempts to save
rather than spend. This link takes you
to a listing of all the posts he has written to date. Your task is to pick five articles of your choice
on this blog.
Your task:
Your extra-credit assignment is to actively read these sources. Take notes and quotes down as you read and
listen. You will turn these notes in
with your extra credit assignment and this active listening and reading will be
part of your extra-credit grade.
This will take you a couple of hours to do well.
Then write a response to both the Dr. King speech and the
Mr. Money Mustache blog. Your response
should be typed and double-spaced, and you should use at least two quotes from
the Dr. King speech and at least one quote from the Mr. Money Mustache blog
somewhere in your response. Your
response should be at least two typed pages (1000 words) in length.
If you do this well
and turn in both your written response and your active reading notes, you can
earn up to 4% total raise on your overall grade percentage. As an added benefit, you are also going to
learn a ton by doing this assignment.
How much better does it get than that?
You can either turn this in to the OSU secretary downstairs
on our Delaware campus, or you can scan or attach (or both) your files and send
them to
Have fun, raise your awareness, and really earn your extra credit. Man it feels good to earn it.
All my best,
Mike Lohre
P.S. This offer expires April 24, so please turn this in or send it to me by midnight on Friday, April 24.
P.S. This offer expires April 24, so please turn this in or send it to me by midnight on Friday, April 24.
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