Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exploration 10: Syria's Conflict

March 15, 2013 marks the 2nd year anniversary since Syria began it's regime under Bashar al-Assad. General Idriss made a public international statement, revisiting the start of Syria's uprising. The General had mentioned the initial plans of peace and reformation the country had anticipated. Although, the complete opposite occurred and tore the country into two, a violent war that has progressively gotten worse each day.

“As you all know the Syrian revolution started peacefully. The only thing the Syrian people asked for was freedom, justice and reform. The regime of Bashar al-Assad responded with violence, torture, killings, massacres and bombing of our cities," the General shares in his speech.

This country is by no means safe, and all our society can do is watch this country crumble. It's heartbreaking to me because I'm affected by this regime on a personal level. Four members of my family (my aunt and cousins) left their suburbs outside of Damascus and visited the states. They're only here for a short 3 months and then have to return to their jobs and home.  It's horrific to think these riots and violence is happening just miles from my family.

If you haven't had the opportunity yet, I think you should take some time to research the happenings in Syria, as well as the rest of the middle east. You may discover truths that you had no idea existed and be completely disillusioned to these world-wide events. I think The New York Times is a great place to start; there are a plethora of articles that can educate you on the different aspects of this war. This article, Remembering the Start of Syria's Uprising,  is a great place to start. It gives a brief history and wraps up into the present. Take a look!


  1. War is always something that is a terrible thing. When family gets mixed up in it, it only gets worse. So I can see how you are hurt by this.

  2. It's very unfortunate that the world is not able to do more to help. It can get frustrating especially when people try to help but others believe they are over stepping their boundaries.
