Stokely Carmichael was born june 29 1941 in Trinidad. Stokely came to became a prominent member of the SNCC and would later rise to lead the organization to fight for civil rights. Stokely would become Honorary Prime Minister of the militant Black Panther party. Carmichael's journey into the civil rights movement lead him to work with Dr. King himself but would grew towards the militant movement after repeated humiliation and police brutality. Carmichael's impact towards the militant Black Panther party would lead him to coin the black power phrase and increased anti sentiment towards all white people. Stokely is to remembered as a prominent advocate of Civil Rights & Militant movement.
Stokley was wonderful never knew he was member of The Black Panthers
ReplyDeleteI had know idea until now reading your post that Stokley was the one affiliated with the black power phrase. I found it interesting that he was a Honorary Prime Minister of the militant Black Panther party.
It was very interesting that he had also worked fir the Militant movement.
ReplyDeleteI do not blame him for moving to the militant side due to the "repeated humiliation and police brutality."
ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting, I would be curious to see how many other civil right activits started with MLK's philosiphy then made then switch to Malcom X's philosophy.
ReplyDeleteAs long as you are fighting for something just, you can never be silenced or stopped.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like he had a lot of accomlishes that he should be very proud of. I thought it was neat he got to work with MLK.
ReplyDeletegreat story.
ReplyDeleteIt had to be tough to decide to be peaceful or militant. Peoples backgrounds probably played a large role in this.