Thursday, April 11, 2013

Extra-Credit Opportunity: MLK's "Beyond Vietnam" speech and MMM blog

Extra-Credit Opportunity: Viewing, Reading actively, and Responding
This is a link for Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech “Beyond Vietnam”
This is a link for the transcript to that speech, so you can follow along and read actively as you do so.
This are links to a blog about money and consumerism.
The man behind the blog has some very alternative and provocative and useful views on American culture and his attempts to save rather than spend.  This link takes you to a listing of all the posts he has written to date.  Your task is to pick five articles of your choice on this blog.
Your task:
Your extra-credit assignment is to actively read these sources.  Take notes and quotes down as you read and listen.  You will turn these notes in with your extra credit assignment and this active listening and reading will be part of your extra-credit grade.
This will take you a couple of hours to do well.
Then write a response to both the Dr. King speech and the Mr. Money Mustache blog.  Your response should be typed and double-spaced, and you should use at least two quotes from the Dr. King speech and at least one quote from the Mr. Money Mustache blog somewhere in your response.  Your response should be at least two typed pages (1000 words) in length.

If you do this well and turn in both your written response and your active reading notes, you can earn up to 4% total raise on your overall grade percentage.  As an added benefit, you are also going to learn a ton by doing this assignment.  How much better does it get than that?

You can either turn this in to the OSU secretary downstairs on our Delaware campus, or you can scan or attach (or both) your files and send them to

Have fun, raise your awareness, and really earn your extra credit.  Man it feels good to earn it.

All my best,

Mike Lohre

P.S. This offer expires April 24, so please turn this in or send it to me by midnight on Friday, April 24.

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